
Armored Scout


Historically, the primary role of a scout was to gather and relay information swiftly and without direct engagement. This means: 1. traveling, 2. assessing, and 3. reporting on what has been observed. Scouts may also be called upon as messengers between units or commanders.

The East Kingdom Scout Program exists for those who desire to take the field and be active participants in the outcome of a battle while not directly taking part in the full-contact demanded of the Heavy List fighters. Scouts can be functional battlefield heralds by identifying enemy combatants by device and insignia. They may offer assistance reporting troop movements between actual fighting forces, thus freeing up HL fighters to engage enemies directly. They may be called to retrieve weaponry, elicit repairs, support ammunition replenishment, and a multitude of other tasks that support a fighting force.

Scouts are not servants nor are they simple extraneous vestiges upon the field. Bearing the mark of the "white diamond" means you are willing to become an integral part of the whole army but are not willing (for whatever reason) to directly engage the enemy. Throughout military history, kings and generals have relied heavily upon scouts to gather, relay, record and provide information. Gifted in speed, efficiency, stealth, cunning, organization, technique and tradition, the professional scout could help turn a tide of confusion into victory.

Scouting in the SCA has changed over the years. In the East Kingdom, the program has become only a spectral shade of its former self. Whereas originally Scouts merely found where the opponent was and told a passing unit, Scouts in other kingdoms are the eyes and ears of their army. By reporting timely, accurate information to unit commanders or royalty, reporting messages between commanders, and making real contributions to the success of an army in numerous spontaneous ways, the Scout can help an army transition from an armed mob (wandering randomly around from place to place looking for something to kill) to a focused, objective-based fighting force.

For those interested, please email Lord Tobyn Kembold, Acting EK Scout Commander


The following rules are current as of October 10, 2010:



Lord Tobyn Kembold, East Kingdom Marshal for Scouts

Lord Alaxandr MacLochloinn, Webminister for the Earl Marshallate -

Mailing lists

For any and all questions related to Scouts, both the East Kingdom and other SCA organizations maintain active mailing lists. This is where you can ask any question at all, from looking for help, to rules questions, to asking for marshals for an event. Please use EK-specific lists for event-related questions.. unless it's not an East Kingdom event, of course.


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[ East Kingdom Officers Listing ]


This is the recognized web site for the East Kingdom Earl Marshal of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Alaxandr an Chobleigh MacLochloinn. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister Alaxandr an Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn, ( ). He will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.

Copyright © 2005-2013 East Kingdom Earl Marshallate. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

Web site Design, coding and graphics by Alaxandr an Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn, ( ) except for
the purple EK background by Lady Gavlinne and the manuscript marginalia from

Last updated: Monday, May 11, 2015